Heat stroke is usually a result of working or exercising in a hot environment. Core body temperature can rise to dangerously high levels within 10–15 minutes. Left untreated, heat stroke can damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.
First Aid Training
A stroke is a medical emergency that can have severe repercussions. If you suspect stroke, time is of the essence. Do not delay calling 000 for help.
Seasonal Concerns
Despite their similar signs and symptoms, it’s important to understand the differences between heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion can progress to heat stroke, the most serious of heat-induced illnesses.
Bites and Stings
Australia is home to some of the world's most venomous spiders. Spider bites can cause serious illness and even death due to the toxicity of the venom and by triggering anaphylaxis. Should your condition begin to deteriorate, contact a medical facility immediately.
CPR Resources
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – CPR, for short – is a game-changer when a person's heart has stopped beating. Despite its effectiveness, the technique itself is relatively simple.
Bites and Stings
Around 33% of Australian hospital admissions are for bee or wasp stings. These stings account for more than twice the number of hospital admissions for snake bites, and cause almost the same number of deaths.
Bites and Stings
Found throughout south east Queensland, Fire ants are renowned for their aggressive nature and painful sting. They are particularly dangerous to those with allergies, as they tend to swarm and sting all at once.
First Aid Training
Australian law requires workplaces to provide employees with access to first aid equipment and facilities, as well as to trained personnel to administer first aid. The sensible option is to have staff first aid training. The benefits are many…
More than half (54%) of all emergency department presentations are for injuries that happened in the home. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe from common household accidents and injuries by implementing the measures listed in this article.
The ability for this mask to reduce exposure to contagious airborne viruses, including the Coronavirus depends on how you wear it. Wearing the best PPE in the world won’t help if it isn’t fitted properly.
Arresting the blood flow after a shark mauls a person can seem a superhuman order. Our bodies have, on average, 4.5 to 5.5 litres of blood. Bleeding needs to be stopped ASAP. Dr. Jon Cohen has advanced training in Emergency Medicine and an abiding interest in making the seeming-impossible, possible.
With a little preparation, a decent first aid kit, and some good-quality first aid training, you can set off to see the Great Outdoors and live to talk about it.